Powering the Future: Green Bonds and Crowdfunding as Alternatives for EV Infrastructure Investment

Moshe Rivodeaux
6 min readMar 21, 2023


The new gold rush is electric charging infrastructure

With the unprecedented growth that the electric vehicle (EV) market has experienced, a surge in demand for charging infrastructure has triggered a new gold rush.

Dozens of companies are bidding for a piece of the highly coveted EV charging infrastructure market. The keys to winning the red-hot EV infrastructure race are speed to market and scalability, and to achieve them, they will need billions of dollars in funding.

Traditional financing methods may not be sufficient to accommodate this rapid expansion. As investors look to tap into the growing EV infrastructure market, innovative financing mechanisms have emerged, offering new opportunities for funding EV charging infrastructure.

Here we will explain and explore the potential of green bonds and crowdfunding as alternative financing sources for EV infrastructure investments.

Green Bonds: A Sustainable Financing Solution

Green Bonds: A Sustainable Financing Solution

Green bonds are debt securities issued by governments, corporations, or financial institutions to fund environmentally friendly projects. These bonds have gained traction as a means to finance the development of EV charging infrastructure.

The key benefits of green bonds include:

Attracting Sustainable Investment: Green bonds appeal to environmentally conscious investors, broadening the potential funding pool for EV infrastructure projects.

Lower Borrowing Costs: Green bonds may offer lower interest rates than conventional bonds due to their eco-friendly nature, reducing the overall cost of financing EV infrastructure.

Enhanced Reputation: Issuing green bonds signals an organization’s commitment to sustainability, which can enhance its brand image and foster goodwill among investors and the public.

Case Study: In 2019, Duke Energy, a U.S.-based utility company, issued a $1 billion green bond to fund various renewable energy and EV charging infrastructure projects. This move showcased the company’s dedication to sustainable energy and helped secure funding at a competitive rate.

Risks and Drawbacks of Green Bonds

Greenwashing: There is a risk that some issuers may misrepresent the environmental benefits of their projects, leading to “greenwashing” — when a bond is marketed as “green” but fails to deliver genuine environmental benefits.

Investors should carefully evaluate the issuer’s track record and commitment to sustainability. Look for third-party certifications, such as the Climate Bonds Standard or the Green Bond Principles, which provide transparency, disclosure, and project selection guidelines.

Limited Secondary Market: The green bond market is still relatively small compared to the broader bond market, which may result in lower liquidity and potentially higher transaction costs for investors.

To mitigate liquidity risks, investors should consider diversifying their green bond portfolio and consider bonds with different maturities and credit ratings. Additionally, as the green bond market continues to grow, it is expected that liquidity will improve over time.

Regulatory and Standardization Challenges: The lack of a universally accepted standard for defining and measuring the “greenness” of a bond can create confusion and inconsistency among issuers and investors.

Investors should stay informed about ongoing efforts to develop global standards for green bonds and actively participate in industry discussions to develop consistent and transparent guidelines.

Green bonds provide a promising avenue for financing EV charging infrastructure projects, as they can attract sustainable investment, lower borrowing costs, and enhance an organization’s reputation. However, investors need to be aware of the risks associated with these types of investments. By conducting thorough due diligence and seeking third-party certifications, investors can mitigate these risks and contribute to the growth of the green bond market.

Crowdfunding: A Grassroots Approach to EV Infrastructure Investment

Crowdfunding: A Grassroots Approach to EV Infrastructure Investment

Crowdfunding offers an alternative funding source for individuals and small businesses to invest in EV charging infrastructure projects. This method has the potential to bridge funding gaps and foster community engagement in EV adoption.

Traditional financing methods, such as bank loans or venture capital, can be difficult for small businesses, startups, or community-driven projects to obtain. Crowdfunding allows these projects to raise funds from a wider range of investors, increasing their chances of securing the necessary capital.

Because crowdfunding makes investments more accessible to the average investor, it opens the door to non-accredited individuals to participate in projects previously exclusive to funds and high-net-worth individuals.Crowdfunding llows people with various financial backgrounds to invest in projects that they find appealing or align with their values.

For companies, crowdfunding rounds provide the unique advantage of early market validation. Because of the retail-facing nature of crowdfunding, it can help project owners gauge the level of interest in their project, refine their ideas, and build a loyal customer base before the project is fully launched.

Key advantages of crowdfunding include

Democratizing Investment Opportunities: Crowdfunding platforms enable a wide range of investors, including non-accredited individuals, to participate in funding EV infrastructure projects.

Increased Public Awareness: Crowdfunding campaigns can generate public interest in EV adoption and infrastructure development, leading to increased demand and support for EVs.

Flexibility and Innovation: Crowdfunding platforms allow for various investment structures, such as equity, debt, or revenue-sharing agreements, providing project owners the flexibility to tailor financing solutions to their needs.

Encourages innovation: Crowdfunding platforms provide a space for unique and innovative projects that might struggle to find funding through traditional channels. This can lead to developing new ideas, products, and services, driving progress and fostering innovation across various segments of the EV infrastructure market.

Case Study: In 2015, Volta Industries, a U.S.-based EV charging network provider, launched a crowdfunding campaign on SeedInvest to fund the expansion of its free EV charging stations nationwide. The campaign raised over $1.5 million, allowing the company to deploy additional charging stations in key markets.

Risks and Drawbacks of Crowdfunding

Investment Risk: As with any investment, crowdfunding carries inherent risks, including the potential for loss of capital. Investors should conduct thorough due diligence and be aware of the potential risks before investing in any crowdfunding project.

To minimize investment risk, investors should conduct thorough due diligence, carefully scrutinizing project details, financial projections, and the management team’s background. Additionally, diversifying investments across multiple crowdfunding projects can help to spread risk.

Project Viability: Crowdfunding relies on the success and execution of individual projects, which may be subject to delays, cost overruns, or even failure, impacting investor returns.

To mitigate the risks associated with project viability, investors should seek projects with a strong business case, a well-defined execution plan, and a management team with a proven track record. Engaging with project owners to ask questions and request updates can also help to monitor progress and address concerns.

Regulatory Compliance: Crowdfunding platforms are subject to various regulatory requirements, which may vary by jurisdiction. These regulations can limit the types of projects that can be funded and the investors who can participate, potentially restricting access to certain opportunities.

Investors seeking to participate in crowdfunding rounds should familiarize themselves with their jurisdiction’s regulatory framework governing crowdfunding platforms. Ensuring that the platform complies with relevant regulations and is registered with appropriate authorities can help reduce the risk of potential legal and financial complications.

Crowdfunding offers a unique and accessible means of financing EV charging infrastructure, democratizing investment opportunities, and fostering public awareness and innovation. However, investors must be mindful of the potential risks and take steps to mitigate them. Because of its grassroots nature, crowdfunding investors can use their capital to do more than get returns but also to make a statement that leads towards more sustainable ways of building infrastructure.

Funding EV Infrastructure is more than just about money. This is for a sustainable future.

The growth of the electric vehicle market and the increasing demand for charging infrastructure present both big challenges and even bigger opportunities.

Green bonds and crowdfunding offer innovative and exciting financing mechanisms that support the expansion of EV infrastructure and foster a sense of shared responsibility and commitment to a more sustainable future.

As we embrace these alternative financing sources, we must be aware of each approach’s potential risks and drawbacks. By understanding these risks and implementing mitigation strategies, we can collectively contribute to a cleaner, greener world. The pursuit of EV infrastructure financing is not only about making smart financial decisions but also about caring for the environment, preserving our planet for future generations, and nurturing a sense of unity in our efforts to combat climate change.

Together, we can empower communities, drive sustainable investments, and make a lasting impact on the world, all while witnessing the transformative power of electric vehicles and the vital infrastructure that supports them.



Moshe Rivodeaux

Entrepreneur, Dealmaker, and investor. During my career I’ve raised over $4B for startups and led the creation of more than $500M in traction.